WHAT : Absurdist comedy The Bald Soprano by Eugène Ionesco
WHO : NTUT 2011 English Department Western Drama class
WHERE : The Experimental Theater, Room 715, General Education Building
- Tuesday, December 27, 10:00AM-12:00 noon
- Wednesday, December 28, 7:00-9:00PM
Free refreshments available!!!
This semester the NTUT English Department senior drama class takes on one of the most curious plays of the 20th Century, Eugène Ionesco’s The Bald Soprano. Written by a Rumanian playwright and first produced in France in 1950 it presents a wacky satire not only of the English, but of the English language itself, since it was notoriously drafted by Ionesco from random phrases he found in an English-as-a-Foreign-Language textbook. Ionesco’s theatrical vision, which he shares in diverse ways with Samuel Beckett and Harold Pinter, is often termed the Theatre of the Absurd. In Ionesco’s universe space-time has been turned inside out and the laws of physics seem no longer to apply. Ionesco presents logical conundrums that not only confound conformist thinking but, even as they mystify the viewer, deepen and complexify our understanding of the universe. Never before has Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle been brought to the stage with such panache, and…uncertainty. Listen to the Smiths and the Martins wrestle over the question that has plunged scientists into deep fits of depression since the time of Kepler: if a doorbell rings, and one gets up to answer it, does it mean there’s always nobody there? Find out the true identity of Sherlock Holmes, and the Fire Chief’s mysterious mission. NTUT audiences are indeed “in for it” as this very special production reveals for the first and last time the definitive answer to that question plaguing naturalists for centuries: “Where does a 300 kilogram gorilla sleep?” A work rarely seen in Taiwan, but, as chance would have it, currently running on Broadway in New York City, The Bald Soprano is a theatrical treat not to be missed. Cast members include: Wendy Kuo, Benson Lin, Tina Li, Fan Wu, Sally Chen, Linda Yeh, Vanessa Ye and a THREE-HUNDRED KILOGRAM GORILLA!!!
Assistant Director: Fan Wu. Directed by Kurt Cline.