2007年7月26日 星期四

郭宗杰教授演講 (講題Digital Media Revolution: Historical Review and Future Trend)



舉辦日起迄:2007-07-30 上午10:30 至 2007-07-30 上午12:00


主題:Digital Media Revolution: Historical Review and Future Trend



Digital technologies have been widely applied to speech, audio, video and graphics in various commercial applications today. Digital media offer great advantages over the traditional analog media for their ease of high accuracy computation (e.g. compression and encryption) and great freedom in media integration and delivery (e.g. VoIP). The availability of broadband wired/wireless Internet infrastructures and new technologies such as peer-to-peer networking and grid computing has increased the impact of digital media. This lecture will provide some important lessons learned from the history of digital media revolution, and provide an outlook to future business opportunities and R&D directions for digital media integration, distribution and management. Especially, we will discuss the mergence of 4C (Computer, Communication, Consumer Electronics and Content industry segments) and the value shift from the hardware/software products to service and content industry. The successful stories of Google and Skype will be explained.

