2013年4月29日 星期一

賀創新所黃桂芝同學作品「Q Bo Bag– RFID Smart Bag Application System」獲2013年第十六屆莫斯科俄羅斯阿基米德國際發明展暨發明競賽「金牌」

When kids get into the car with their Q-Bo Bags, the reader located on the car door will scan their Bag Tags and record it. When they get off the car, the reader will again scan the Bag Tags and delete it from the data list. Most important of all, after the car engine has been turned off, the reader will check all the recorded data. Within a certain period of time (ex. 10 min), if a recorded Q-Bo Bag did not leave the car, it will trigger an alarm and notify the kindergarten staff to check the car. When leaving school, the reader on the car will scan the registered car number on the tag inside the bag. When it finds a tag registered under a different car, it will trigger an alarm to inform the teachers to double-check the kid’s car number. This design can be also used on other applications. The teacher can pick out items that kids are suppose to bring on the next day from the “Q-Bo Bag item matching card”. The teacher then can then use the cards to interact with kids bags. The RFID reader located in the bag will pick up a signal from the item matching card and record the necessary items into a data list. When kids want to make sure that they have packed everything for the next day, the RFID reader on the Q-Bo Bag will pick up the signal coming from the “item label” located on each item and match it with the list. When everything on the list is packed, the ornament on the Q-Bo Bag will light up to indicate that all the necessary items have been included. (本創作同時入選2013育秀杯複賽)
